Anna Winson - The Adventurous Author

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Navigating Social Media

See this Instagram gallery in the original post

Anyone who has waded into the world of social media lately will know what a deep dark cavern lies beneath the surface!

I stumbled across an Instagram account by @makeyourmarkps and Monique has this fabulous segment about ‘TuesdayTea’ where she deals some brutal home truths. In her update on the 23rd February 2021, she made a few points which, on one hand I disagree with sightly, and on the other hand I LOVE what she had to say.

Point 1: She said that not everyone who reads your book will like it, and you will have to learn to deal with critical and negative feedback. I agree with this. The point I disagree with is the way she explained it - she said for example that she doesn’t like rom-coms so if she were to watch one, it ‘wouldn’t be her favourite’ and she is entitled to her opinion. For those of you who saw my Welcome post, you will have spotted my Book as a Beverage suggestions on my reviews and my own work.

The perspective I have is that if people don’t like a genre, perhaps it is best that they avoid reading works from that genre and reduce the likelihood of an unhappy experience. I know this may not be a particularly popular opinion, but it just makes sense to me. For example; as a reader myself, I wouldn’t read a biography about ‘real life murderers’ (here’s looking at you Ted Bundy) because the idea of it does not bring me joy. If I were to read it, I would not feel compelled to write a negative review about my dislike for the book, considering my knowledge beforehand that I was unlikely to appreciate it.

Thank you for sticking with me, I promise that is my rant over!

Point 2: Monique made a statement about getting to know your target audience intimately in an effort to reduce marketing your book to readers who won’t enjoy your work. I salute you Monique! The way she described this really helped me reframe my audience in my mind. I know that each of my works will have a different audience and from a social media perspective, every time I release a new work, I will need to go through this process again! The way you frame your target audience will effect the content you post to social media as well as the hashtags and timing for each.

Stay tuned to see my Audience Awareness post with an update on how I work through determining my target audience for each of my works!

x A