Getting Started

The world of professional house sitting is a bright kaleidoscope of experiences, pets, and personalities. An infinite combination of homes, owners and fur children exist across the world, just waiting for kind, compassionate people to care for them. If you are considering house sitting, ask yourself these questions;

  • Do you love animals?

  • Do you have experience caring for animals?

  • Do you respect and care for the possessions of others?

  • Do you enjoy moving around and experiencing new towns and communities?

  • Do you enjoy meeting new people?

A simple way to get started house sitting is by caring for the pets, gardens and homes of friends and family when they go away. It may be overnight, over a weekend or for a holiday, but any time you can spend in someone else’s home, caring for pets that aren’t your own, you will gain insight into the quirky and unique experience that is house sitting. Once you gain some experience and earn references, you are ready to dive in!


  • New Pets to cuddle

  • Make New Friends

  • New Experiences

  • Money Saving*

  • Visit New Towns


  • Uncertainty

  • Live out of a suitcase

  • Transit Time (for those without a car)

  • Increased Stress Levels**

  • Restricted workplace opportunities

*In order to find sitting ‘cost effective’ you do need to be a prudent spender. The belief that you will save money whilst sitting comes from the assumption that you would otherwise be paying rent to live somewhere instead. Factoring in additional financial impacts however may lead you to realise that sitting might not save as much money as you expect. See my ‘Finances for a Professional House Sitter’ notes here.

**Stress is a relative term in my books. As someone who tends to operate with a certain level of stress in my life, I say this from a place of love. Looking after other people’s possessions is stressful. Looking after other people’s beloved living pets and family members, is next level. Be prepared to worry more in someone else’s home than you do in your own.

Finding ‘Sits’

Depending on where you are in the world, and where you intend on ‘sitting’, there are many places to find sits. I find it a matter of personal preference; there are websites, smartphone apps, Facebook groups, etc.

Across Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom, the sitting sites I utilise are Trusted House Sitters, Aussie House Sitters, and House Sitters UK. Sites like Trusted House Sitters are international and sits can be advertised all over the world.

Some sites will allow you to sign up for free to look around, others require payment to view sitting opportunities.

For information on how to start selecting and applying for sits, see here.

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Finances and Professional House Sitting


London, Week 1