Anna Winson - The Adventurous Author

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Lingo in the Writing World

The Ultimate Writing Tips

Welcome back my literary friends!

Today we are looking at top lingo from the writing world. Be sure to check out the reference video below!

  • ARC - Advance Readers Copy

  • WIP - Work In Progress

  • AOC - Author of Colour

  • Alpha - Alpha Readers

  • Beta - Beta Readers

  • Comp Title - Comparison Title

  • CP - Critique Partner

  • HEA - Happily Ever After

  • Indie - Independent

  • MC - Main Character

  • MSWL - Manuscript Wish List

  • Pitch - Pitching a manuscript

  • POV - Point of View

  • R & R - Revise and Resubmit

  • WC - Word Count

If you are looking for more elaboration on the terms above, my explanatory video below will clear things up for you!

Don’t forget if you like my videos, jump across to YouTube and subscribe to my channel for more writing tips and updates.

xx A